Grandfather Frost has a lot to do before New Year: he needs to make sure there is enough snow in the forest, craft toys for the Christmas tree, pack gifts, and also definitely write a poem for the contest! In... this book, you'll find mazes, sticker games, drawing activities, riddles, and crosswords. Bake gingerbread cookies with the squirrels, make toys for the Christmas tree with Grandfather Frost, and cut out bright masks for the New Year's celebration. Stock up on colored pencils and festive spirit — and off you go, into a winter fairy tale!
Autor: Дарья Пласкунова
Verlag: Makhaon
Serie: Новогодние сюрпризы
Altersgrenzen: 0+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2024
ISBN: 9785389260535
Anzahl der Seiten: ㄶ
Größe: 285x210x3 mm
Gewicht: 122 g
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