The methodological guide sets forth the goals and objectives for teaching children aged 5-7 to solve arithmetic problems. It presents the content and volume of the material to be studied, as well as the procedure for working with preschoolers. In...
addition to this methodological guide, the set includes the workbook 'I Solve Arithmetic Problems' for children to complete tasks. Both materials are part of the educational-methodological complex of the 'Mathematical Steps' program.
It is recommended for a wide range of specialists working in preschool educational organizations. It can be used by teachers of short-term stay groups, teachers of correctional-development classes, as well as interested parents in preparing their child for school.
Autor: Елена Колесникова
Verlag: Sfera
Serie: Математические ступеньки
Altersgrenzen: 5+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2019
ISBN: 9785994904022
Anzahl der Seiten: 64
Größe: 205x140x2 mm
Einbandart: Soft
Gewicht: 60 g
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