Amazing artworks by a world-renowned artist — for each Era of the singer.
In-depth exploration of the phenomenon of Taylor and her creativity (are her songs therapy or magic?)
A desired gift for every fan.What color are your dreams of the future?...
What color is the pain when the hand that gently held yours lets it go forever? What color is the courage with which you trust someone again with your many times broken, yet stubborn heart?
This is the magical, dramatic, and inspiring story of Taylor Swift, a girl with a guitar who became the most influential singer in the world.
And this is also your story and mine: how we fell in love, how we hid in a refuge, nursing our wounds, how we grew and found ourselves together with Taylor Swift.
From Era to Era. From Red to Black and Purple. From broken to whole.
Autor: Маркос Буэно, Лайа Лопес
Verlag: Eksmo
Serie: Музыка БукТока. Taylor Swift
Altersgrenzen: 16+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2024
ISBN: 9785042042645
Anzahl der Seiten: 120
Größe: 249x185x15 mm
Einbandart: твердая
Gewicht: 539 g
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