A touching story about a little Fox who didn't want to sleep at all. So his mother decided to take him for an evening walk on the first day of winter, when autumn retreats and the first snow arrives. This... tale is about a mother's love for her child, and the charming illustrations will warm hearts and bring a magical serene mood. The "Bedtime Stories" series features beautifully illustrated classic and new tales for little ones, making it so easy to fall asleep to.
Autor: Ребекка Эллиотт
Verlag: Khobbiteka
Serie: Хоббитека детям. Сказки на ночь
Altersgrenzen: 3+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2024
ISBN: 9785907772106
Anzahl der Seiten: ㌲
Größe: 223x220x7 mm
Einbandart: Hard
Gewicht: 300 g
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