This manual, dedicated to high-difficulty tasks, will help students prepare for completing part 2 of any version of the Unified State Exam in Chemistry. The manual includes all types of tasks that a student may encounter during the exam. Theoretical...
material is presented, typical examples are analyzed with detailed explanations for each task, and problems for independent solution are provided. Answers for self-check are given at the end of the book.
The publication is intended for teachers and students of grades 8-11.
Verlag: VAKO
Serie: Сборник заданий
Altersgrenzen: 6+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2020
ISBN: 9785408047086
Anzahl der Seiten: 160
Größe: 235x165x9 мм mm
Einbandart: Мягкая обложка
Gewicht: 180 g
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