For more than 50 years, the author of the book — Alexander Sushansky, Doctor of Medical Sciences, a nutrition specialist — has been restoring normal relationships between his patients and food and digestion. In the process, the author has created... a unique system — the theory of systemic nutrition. It will answer the most important question about food that we ask ourselves every day: how and what to eat to be healthy. A fundamental work on nutrition that simply and accessibly explains the vulnerabilities and structure of the digestive system, the basic principles of healthy eating, and offers a program for transitioning to healthy eating. Eat right and be healthy! It is not a medical textbook. All recommendations should be agreed upon with the attending physician.
Verlag: AST
Serie: Мастер здоровья
Altersgrenzen: 16+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2024
ISBN: 9785171617509
Anzahl der Seiten: 576
Größe: 208x145x33 mm
Einbandart: твердая
Gewicht: 566 g
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