Every young couple reaches a moment when they realize – it turns out that happiness has a face. And that face is their own child. Now you are parents too. You have joined the ranks of those happy people who... can hold their baby in their arms and understand that life is filled with new colors, it sings in new tunes. Every day your little one will grow, and at one moment, the realization will come – all the precious moments are best captured. Just at that moment, this album will come to your aid. “My First Book” is created for you to leave an unforgettable trace of the birth and growth of your child in time: inside you will find lines to fill in, frames for memorable photos, and cute illustrations. In the future, opening this album, you will immerse yourself in the happiest journey of your life once again. Isn't it a miracle?
Verlag: AST
Serie: Блокнот. Подарочная коллекция
Altersgrenzen: 12+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2024
ISBN: 9785171647940
Anzahl der Seiten: 80
Größe: 110x90/16 mm
Einbandart: Твердый переплет
Gewicht: 524 g
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