Elena Motova is a dietitian and medical journalist, the author of the bestseller "My Best Friend is the Stomach. Food for Smart People" and a fan of Mediterranean cuisine. In her new book "Food for Joy," you will find current... research on nutrition and popular diets from the perspective of evidence-based medicine, a guide to vitamins, product analyses, and ideas on how to diversify your diet. It is an engaging journey through the labyrinth of nutritional misinformation to harmonious relationships with food. Readers can expect a candid discussion of exciting and controversial issues in dietetics.
Autor: МОТОВА Е.В.
Verlag: AST
Serie: Элементы (Россия)
Altersgrenzen: 12+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2024
ISBN: 9785171653842
Anzahl der Seiten: 320
Größe: 60x90/16 mm
Einbandart: твердая
Gewicht: 403 g
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