Students sometimes find it difficult to cope with the flow of information they receive at school every day. For example, in literature classes, they need to read many books. And not just read, but remember what the book was about...
and be able to analyze it. Our reading diary will help with this.
After studying a work, a child can briefly write in the diary its plot, main characters, and express their feelings about what they have read. Before the lesson, they will only need to skim through their notes!
Verlag: AST
Serie: Детское чтение
Altersgrenzen: 0+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2023
ISBN: 9785171558918
Anzahl der Seiten: 48
Größe: 212x165x4 mm
Einbandart: мягкая
Gewicht: 83 g
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