Mariana Lukashenko and Antonina Sidelnikova have been teaching children and adults for many years to use the available time as effectively as possible to solve everyday tasks. They advise parents not to panic, but to calmly figure out what is... needed to pass any important exam, to divide the preparation into stages, to formulate clear goals and objectives for each, to determine what resources, including time, are necessary, and to create a work schedule. By reading this book, you and your child will create a preparation plan for any exam, learn to allocate time effectively between work and rest, set clear and measurable goals, and assess your capabilities. And the most useful thing: the methodology is suitable for preparation for all types of exams: GIA, OGE, EGE, and even for the 5th grade.
Verlag: Al'pina Pablisher
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2022
ISBN: 9785961479102
Anzahl der Seiten: 318
Größe: 210х140х18 mm
Einbandart: Мягкая обложка
Gewicht: 389 g
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