He didn't live a couple of years until the millennium, but he can be considered one of the main contenders for the title of the most influential filmmaker of the 21st century: today, almost every director wishes to become Stanley... Kubrick; he is an unattainable ideal and an unsolved mystery. The new issue of the collectible series "Seance. Faces" is our attempt to get closer to explaining his phenomenon. The collection includes both previously published and specially written texts for the book by Arkady Ippolitov, Andrey Kartashov, Vasily Koretsky, Pavel Pugachev, Daria Serebryanaya, and Vasily Stepanov; for the publication, articles by Pauline Kael and Jonathan Rosenbaum were translated, as well as a selection of quotes from the director's interviews.
Verlag: SEANS
Altersgrenzen: 18+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2023
ISBN: 9785605019305
Anzahl der Seiten: 304
Größe: 130x170x20 мм mm
Einbandart: Мягкая обложка
Gewicht: 223 g
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