Mikhail Gasparov (1935-2005) was an outstanding philologist, literary scholar, and translator who dedicated a significant part of his life to the study of Antiquity.
"Fascinating Mythology" continues Gasparov's account of ancient culture, which he began in the book "Fascinating Greece." For...
many, this publication became the first guide to Hellas. However, it mainly addresses the history and everyday life of the ancient Greeks, while the story of the myths and legends that occupied an important place in their lives was left out of the narrative. This topic required a separate book.
Mikhail Gasparov possessed a rare talent for translating the complex and entirely unlike our ancient Greek culture into the language of modernity, making it understandable and engaging for readers of all ages without missing anything important. The fragments of the mythological tradition he extracted from numerous ancient sources come together to form captivating stories about the all-powerful Zeus and the indulgent Dionysus; about the first humans who received fire from Prometheus; about brave heroes who conquered monsters such as Heracles, Perseus, and Theseus; about the epic battles of the Trojan and Theban wars and the tragic return of the Achaeans to their homeland. These tales of people and gods will be eagerly read by children and nostalgically enjoyed by adults.
The publication is richly illustrated with photographs of preserved sculptures, temple architecture objects, vases depicting mythological scenes, as well as household items and religious cult objects, which will allow readers to see how the Greeks themselves understood and embodied the images of their gods and heroes.
Verlag: Illiuminator
Altersgrenzen: 16+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2023
ISBN: 9785907488274
Anzahl der Seiten: 336
Größe: 218x171x28 mm
Einbandart: Твердый переплет
Gewicht: 748 g
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