Sometimes it is a clear and conscious choice made by both people. And sometimes divorce is a sudden explosion, the destruction of support and complete disorientation. In any case, it is always a transition. The end of one stage and... the beginning of a new one. The diary "House with an Empty Hearth" will help you recover after divorce, bring enjoyment back into your life, live through and let go of resentments, build a plan for your future, complete your relationship with your ex-spouse, and leave his family with gratitude. Within the pages of the diary, you will find practices, thought-provoking questions, and art-therapeutic tasks.
Verlag: MACards
Altersgrenzen: 16+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2022
ISBN: 9785604712948
Anzahl der Seiten: 254
Größe: 217x153x18 mm
Einbandart: Твердый переплет
Gewicht: 430 g
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