World classic, one of the most popular books in the world for a whole century now. The bilingual book is published with the author's illustrations that were included in the first edition of 1923. A new translation into Russian. A... collection of incredibly beautiful parables addressed to everyone and pointing to the ways of attaining spiritual harmony. What is love? What is freedom? How to distinguish good from evil? Do friendship and beauty exist? Why is prayer so important? It seems there is no philosophical question that the residents of the city of Orphalese would not pose to the wise Prophet Al-Mustafa and to which he would not respond extensively and poetically.
Verlag: Livebook
Altersgrenzen: 16+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2024
ISBN: 9785907428522
Anzahl der Seiten: 272
Größe: 170x125x19 мм mm
Einbandart: Твердый переплет
Gewicht: 280 g
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