This methodological guide is designed for teachers who teach chess (second year of training) to elementary school students. The guide, along with the textbook "Chess School. Second Year of Training", the workbook, and the collection of tasks for the second...
year of training, forms an educational and methodological complex.
The main goal of the methodological guide is to help elementary school teachers quickly and effectively improve their knowledge of chess: primarily as a school subject, but also as a popular sport and leisure activity. Based on this methodology, any teacher will be able to organize classes throughout the academic year (33 lessons, one lesson per week). This guide can also be used by parents and chess coaches.
Verlag: VAKO
Serie: Шахматная школа
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2021
ISBN: 9785408047765
Anzahl der Seiten: 192
Größe: 200x125x10 мм mm
Einbandart: Мягкая обложка
Gewicht: 134 g
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