"The History of Russian Architecture" by academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts Andrei Pavlinov (1852-1897) is the first professional course on the history of Russian architecture.
The outstanding Russian architect, archaeologist, and restorer was, without exaggeration, a pioneer of domestic...
architecture as an art form.
The book is richly illustrated with archival materials - plans and engravings of ancient structures, as well as rare photographs.
Verlag: Olma-press
Serie: Подарочные издания. Коллекция
Altersgrenzen: 6+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2023
ISBN: 9785001853374
Anzahl der Seiten: 208
Größe: 262x200x15 мм mm
Einbandart: Твердый переплет
Gewicht: 722 g
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