Every day we observe numerous chemical reactions. The boiling of water, fog, soap foam, and even our breathing – all of these are the result of the interaction of chemical elements. From this book, you will learn what a substance... is, the types of chemical reactions, and how to recognize them in the surrounding world. The basics of chemistry are presented in a simple and engaging manner, and vivid and detailed illustrations will clearly explain the laws of chemistry and help understand chemical elements. The book will be a great gift for a young researcher, aid in preparation for the school chemistry course, and provide ideas for experiments, experiments, and school projects. For middle school age.
Autor: БОБКОВ П.В.
Verlag: AST
Serie: Внимание! Наука
Altersgrenzen: 0+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2024
ISBN: 9785171633813
Anzahl der Seiten: 48
Größe: 264x201x11 mm
Einbandart: твердая
Gewicht: 462 g
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