It's hard to stop when a beautifully set table laden with various dishes is in front of you. And one celebration follows another, dish after dish... Before you know it, the pounds are already on. How to get rid of... them? You can go on a diet, but you must keep in mind that the diet that promises slow weight loss will work, otherwise the lost pounds will quickly return. You can engage in physical exercises, but not everyone has the willpower and health to do this constantly and daily. So what to do? Try yoga! You will say it’s difficult, but you will be wrong. We offer readers a set of the simplest asanas, which can be performed by ANYONE. By regularly practicing light yoga for just a few minutes a day, you are guaranteed to regain youthful flexibility and an ideal figure in a very short period of time. We assure you, there are no overweight yogis!
Verlag: Tsentrpoligraf
Serie: Н ЙОГА
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2024
ISBN: 9785227107091
Anzahl der Seiten: 127
Größe: 210х130х20 мм mm
Einbandart: Мягкая обложка
Gewicht: 82 g
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