We present to your attention a new book by the beloved writer-satirist, playwright, and humorist — Mikhail Zadornov. In the "Encyclopedia of Nationwide Stupidity," despite the title, serious topics will be discussed. Observe what your friends and colleagues at work...
laugh about, and you will learn a lot about them: what is dear to them, what worries them, how they live, and what they do not understand... After all, laughter is the voice of the soul. It is also no secret that a joke can resolve a long-standing conflict, or it may even create a new one. Therefore, by dividing the book into two poles: "They" and "We," the author wanted to affirm the reader in the thought that there is nothing more beneficial than a person's ability, whether he is Russian or American, to first laugh at himself! And then... The authorship of this book is shared by Mikhail Nikolaevich with all his readers and viewers, those who send amusing stories from their own experiences to his email, and it is quite possible that someone will see a story from their life in this book. Enjoy your reading!
Verlag: Tsentrpoligraf
Serie: Собрание сочинений Михаила Задорнова
Altersgrenzen: 16+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2024
ISBN: 9785227107022
Anzahl der Seiten: 383
Größe: 130x210x20 мм mm
Einbandart: Твердый переплет
Gewicht: 404 g
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