Offer your child an engaging and useful pastime - solving riddles and working with stickers. How to work with this book?
1. Read the riddle-poem.
2. Encourage your child to think about the answer. Look at the stickers in search of the...
right answer.
3. Once the riddle is solved, the child can stick the corresponding sticker. Even the youngest readers can easily handle the large stickers.
4. Praise your child! Praise will inspire them to continue.
Autor: Валерия Салтанова
Verlag: Feniks-Prem'er
Serie: Загадки с наклейками
Altersgrenzen: 2+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2022
ISBN: 9785222399613
Anzahl der Seiten: 8
Größe: 234x165x1 mm
Einbandart: Soft
Gewicht: 45 g
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