The book by the famous Moscow lawyer and writer Alexander Dobrovinsky is both a collection of stories and a novel-narrative, the chapters of which are interconnected by the same characters. The chronicle of Moscow life in our time is presented...
through the eyes of a person - a participant in interesting, sometimes extraordinary events, capable of seeing everything that happens, as well as himself, from the outside.
The disconcerting feeling of self-irony, positivity, humor, and a brilliant command of the Russian language are the main components of "Odessa Tales of a Moscow Lawyer."
Autor: Александр Добровинский
Verlag: Knizhniki
Altersgrenzen: 18+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2023
ISBN: 9785995308607
Anzahl der Seiten: 320
Größe: 180x125x20 mm
Einbandart: Hard
Gewicht: 271 g
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