"The world is a theater," "life is a game" – old truths. The new millennium has gifted Tarot enthusiasts a new development of the theme – Deviant Moon Tarot, a surreal creation by
Patrick Valenza. A "mad" concept, "mad" characters, "mad"...
And finally, the Mad Moon – the nighttime deceiver, the director of this play, resembling a "mad" chess game. Such is the world of the Moon Kingdom, the keys to which you will find in this book.
And this is not just detailed interpretations of each Arcana and "portraits" of characters, but also a description of the author's transformative game "The Theater of the Moon" – with its help, you can determine and predict the exact time of the fulfillment of desires. The manual is addressed to both Tarot professionals and those who are taking their first steps on this path.
Autor: Патрик Валенса, Надежда Кублицкая
Verlag: Avvalon-Lo Skarabeo
Serie: КН03
Altersgrenzen: 18+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2024
ISBN: 9785919375807
Anzahl der Seiten: 352
Größe: 216х145х23 mm
Einbandart: Hard
Gewicht: 696 g
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