This home workbook is part of a set of materials for reinforcing the pronunciation of speech sounds in children. It consists of 18 lessons, including lexical and grammatical material, exercises for the development of various types of attention and memory,...
logical thinking, formation of skills in sound analysis and synthesis, development of graphic skills and fine motor skills.
All of this ensures high efficiency in reinforcing the sounds Сь, Зь in speech.
The workbook is addressed to speech therapists, educators of speech therapy groups in preschool educational institutions, and parents of children with speech disorders.
Autor: Вилена Коноваленко, Светлана Коноваленко
Verlag: GNOM
Altersgrenzen: 0+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2024
ISBN: 9785907824959
Anzahl der Seiten: ㌲
Größe: 260x205x2 mm
Einbandart: Soft
Gewicht: 86 g
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