The monumental work of Vladimir Ivanovich Dal "Proverbs of the Russian People" changed the very attitude of the educated public towards folk wisdom, which, according to the great scholar's intent, is not meant to serve as an adornment for oratory... or an illustration of thought, but should speak for itself. Vladimir Dal revealed the true meaning of proverbs, sayings, and expressions: they assist in everyday life, transmit the deep ethics of Russian people from all classes, and their cunning and crafty logic is akin to the logic of events in a fairy tale.
Autor: Владимир Даль
Serie: Читальный зал
Altersgrenzen: 12+
Jahr der Veröffentlichung: 2025
ISBN: 9785386153786
Anzahl der Seiten: 518
Größe: 210х130х41 mm
Einbandart: Hard
Gewicht: 497 g
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